Make it a September to remember! Every day spent on Reprtoir is a busy day spent on dev and tech, and September has a lot to show for on that front.
What's new: Catalog Management
First off, a big project we have been working on for ages and that has finally reached completion is Catalog Management. With this new component added to our arsenal, users have access to tools dedicated to their publishing activities. ISWC, IPI, (Interested Party Information) CMO (Collective Management Organization) and Rights Organisation data, etc.
Not only can all of this metadata be imported and managed into Reprtoir, but users can also associate works and masters together, assign right holders to composers, writers, arrangers, link publishing contracts to contributors, and so on.
What's more: a better communication with the team
Works Manager was such a feat that we could have stopped there for September, patted ourselves on our backs and drank Daiquiris for the rest of the month, but we said “no!” to procrastination and kept on roughing it.
September has also seen the arrival of our new roadmap tool that allows users to know what we’re currently working on and what we plan to work on next.
We also added a feedback portal to give users an opportunity to express to bother us a bit more than they already do.
And finally, we implemented an alternative to our legendary Panel View called the Tab View. Simply put, users can now display their lists and resources in tabs instead of panels, which gives way for much more room when accessing data.
What's next: new export tool!
Hopefully, October will bring us new and improved export tool.
Stay tuned!