Introducing Audio AI
Auto-tagging and similarity-based searches at your fingertips. Learn more
Provided by Cyanite

Audio AI

Automatic track tagging, searches based on audio similarity, and more, all available in your workspace.


Auto-Tagging with AI

Automatically generate comprehensive metadata for your entire music catalog in seconds with our state-of-the-art Audio AI technology. Our AI-powered tool diligently extracts numerous tags directly from your audio files. These tags span from genre and mood to instruments and tempo, offering valuable data at your fingertips. Shift your focus back to your creative pursuits and leave the cumbersome process of manual tagging behind.

AI-Powered Similarity Search

Unlock musical connections instantly with our Similarity Search feature. Simply input a reference track, and our intelligent AI algorithms will unearth a series of relevant songs that resonate with your chosen track—regardless of catalog size. This is the perfect solution for sync licensing, music supervision, A&R, content creation, and curation.

Keyword Search

Search smarter, not harder. Our platform boasts an extensive library of over 1,500 searchable keywords. Mix and match these keywords to fine-tune your music discovery experience. With the help of our intelligent algorithms, discover the perfect tracks that match your unique sound criteria with unparalleled accuracy.

Data-Driven Visualizations

Turn complex musical data into intuitive and insightful timeline graphs. Our visualization tools assist you in supporting pitches, fine-tuning marketing strategies, and generating compelling content. Empower your team with the data-driven insights needed to make informed decisions, thereby unlocking new horizons in the music industry.

And that's just the beginning...

We will constantly improve our artificial intelligence features to bring you the best possible technology for the productivity of your team. By leveraging these powerful features, you'll not only save time but also improve the accuracy and depth of your music cataloging and discovery process.

Prompt Search

Go beyond traditional tags and discover music on your own terms. Our Prompt Search feature translates your textual descriptions into their closest musical equivalents. Explore a new era of music discovery, where your own words become the catalyst for finding the exact sounds you've always envisioned. By leveraging these powerful features, you'll not only save time but also improve the accuracy and depth of your music cataloging and discovery process.

Auto-Description by AI

Let AI do the talking. Our Auto-Description feature employs cutting-edge artificial intelligence to generate full-text descriptions that encapsulate the very essence and mood of your music. Dive into a realm of rich, descriptive narratives and let your music communicate its own unique story.

Reprtoir is committed to music businesses' digital transition.
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Reprtoir is committed to music businesses' digital transition.