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Why do we still have Music Awards?
February 5, 2024

Why do we still have Music Awards?

Music awards have been a cornerstone of the entertainment industry for decades. These star-studded events are known to be filled with glamour, excitement, and suspense.

The ceremony that unquestionably dominates the music industry is the Grammys, and we're gearing up for another season this year.

However, we live in a digital era where 120,000 new tracks are added to Spotify daily. This poses some interesting questions.

Why do these awards hold such significance? What do they mean to artists and the music industry? And why does the public attach such importance to this tradition?

This blog post will explore the answers to these questions. We'll also try to make sense of the enduring appeal and relevance of music awards today.

The Prestige of Winning a Music Award

The allure of a music award—especially a Grammy—is undeniable.

For artists, it recognizes their talent, hard work, and creativity. A Grammy win or nomination can skyrocket an artist's career. It's not just about the trophy; it's about the increased visibility and credibility that come with it.

Let's take Beyonce's Grammy win in 2023 as an example.

She achieved a historic milestone in Grammy history by securing the record for the highest number of wins ever earned by an artist. Her victory solidified her status as a musical icon and led to a significant hike in her earnings.

The post-Grammy sales bump is well-documented, with artists often enjoying increased album sales and streaming numbers.

A perfect example is Jon Batiste who won album of the year in 2022. His album sales experienced an astounding surge of over 2,700%, immediately following the ceremony, as reported by Billboard.

So, it's clear that the prestige of winning a music award has tangible benefits.

The Impact of Awards on the Music Industry

Music awards don't just influence individual careers—they shape the entire music industry.

By recognizing a diverse array of music genres, they help promote diversity and foster new talent. When an obscure indie band or a little-known rapper snags a prestigious award, it highlights underrepresented genres.

This encourages more innovation, leading to unique music distinctions that set these artists apart.

Awards play a crucial role in setting trends. The artists and songs that win often reflect—or dictate—the popular sound of the year, guiding the industry's direction.

In this way, awards significantly impact what we listen to and how we perceive music.

Relevance and Criticisms

However, it's not all standing ovations and acceptance speeches. Awards, particularly the Grammys, have faced their fair share of criticism.

In fact, the most recent airing of the Grammys ceremony attracted a little over 12 million viewers. This made it the third least-watched Grammys of all time.

Some question the transparency of the voting process, while others argue that certain artists and genres are consistently underrepresented.

One of the most notable examples happened in 2020 with The Weeknd's album 'After Hours'. The record featured the chart-topping hit 'Blinding Lights', and received zero nominations despite its immense popularity and critical acclaim.

In today's digital age, streaming numbers and social media followers can also make or break careers. While they've significantly leveled the playing field, awards still matter.

They serve as an important platform for recognizing artistic achievement on a scale transcending digital metrics. The seal of approval comes from industry experts, which can't be replicated by streaming numbers alone.

Other Awards Shows

For those uninterested in the Grammys, it's worth noting that the music industry hosts various other prestigious award shows.

The UK has the Brit Awards that celebrate the best music by British artists. There are several lesser-known awards that not only celebrate artistry but also garner immense respect from both artists and fans alike.

For instance, the Mercury Prize is awarded each year for the best album. It's chosen by a panel of specialist judges. The award values genuine artistry, regardless of commercial success.

The Public's Perception and Importance Attached to Music Awards

So why does the public care so much about music awards? For one, they offer a communal experience—a chance to root for our favorite artists and debate the merits of different music styles.

They create moments of shared joy, surprise, and sometimes disappointment.

Furthermore, awards often reflect societal trends and shifts, making them more than just a celebration of music—they're a cultural event.

They give us something to talk about, to agree or disagree with, and to remember. In an increasingly fragmented media landscape, that sense of collective experience is more valuable than ever.

Summing Up: The Impact of Music Awards

Music awards, despite some debate, continue to hold significant value in the music industry and our cultural landscape. They not only offer recognition to artists but also help shape music trends and provide a communal experience.

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