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Back from MaMA Music & Convention
October 15, 2023

Back from MaMA Music & Convention

Last week, the team took a quick look at the 14th edition of the MaMA Music & Convention. So how was it?

Why go to MaMA Music & Convention?

First, it’s the connecting point between all professionals working in the music industry in France. MaMA managed to create a convention that gathers many types of music actors, from managers to big music companies. So if you’re looking to dive into the music field, it’s definitely worth the trip (if you’re not in Paris).

Interestingly enough, you’ll have to walk a little bit between the 4 venues for the conference. A lot of professionals are going around on the Boulevard Pigalle and the cafes nearby transform into meeting spots. The atmosphere is different than usual during MaMA, in the end many people take advantage of the convention to see each other when they don’t really have the opportunity during the year.

One thing that would have been great to see clarified is the fact that MaMA has themes. First day is all about artists, the second about Live and the last day is focused on digital solutions. This means that the topics can change and the booths you’ll come across could too.

And in the evening, concerts are taking place in 10 venues at once. Again, it’s pretty much impossible to walk from one to the other without seeing someone with a pass or that you know. You’ll get it; MaMA is where you reconnect with your network.

MaMA Invent, Innovation focus

One part of MaMA that made a difference for us is of course the MaMA Invent. This part is set up in the Trianon and gathers several booths held by innovative solutions dedicated to the music industry.

A good way to mix innovation and the music field in only one place. Even though the panels set up in that area were less business and tech focused than usual, a lot of interesting topics came across the stage.

All in all, MaMA is one big market for the music industry. We have gone there at the beginning and always find one member of the team going each year since then.

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