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What are the best practices to release music?

What are the best practices to release music?

Releasing music is a far more complex process than many give credit for. There is a common misconception that all of the work is in making the music, that if the music is good enough, it will be shared and heard.

This idea couldn’t be further from the truth!

Releasing music successfully requires a clean and clear catalog, music industry knowledge, contacts. Just to throw another monkey-wrench in the mix, effective strategies have changed.

Music releases strategies are non optional

Unlike in the past when an album would be available in stores and the CD, tape or vinyl hardcopy was available, all at once- artists are now pre-releasing singles off their albums to promote its upcoming release. It takes vision and a long-term plan that is heavy on strategy to pull it all off.

So, how do you as a record label-head or artist or manager meet these requirements?

The music industry has never been for the faint of heart. It was already a dizzying myriad of organizations, royalty tracking and asset management.

Then the pandemic hit the scene – and it hit the scene hard!

It’s no secret that the past year and a half have been tough on the music industry. With gigs and tours – even group rehearsals taken out of the equation, it’s left many industry professionals with a new set of challenges on top of an already complex model.

We have been developing a Catalog Management Solution, a state-of the art content management system (CMS), specifically designed for record labels and music publishers to manage their audio files and related metadata.

The beauty of having a software suite is the ability to link our products to one another. Link Audio Manager (where your catalog would be uploaded and cleaned) to Royalties Manager and you’ll be able to manage your royalty accounting directly connected to your artists and contributors! Use the audio manager to develop a cohesive, long-term strategy in a complete and secured workspace.

Strike your music distribution deals easily

Moving on to the next step when managing a catalog: distribution. It’s common knowledge among music industry professionals that getting music uploaded to digital platforms is not even half the battle. It takes constant communications with playlist makers, bloggers, radio sites and more to truly get the music heard.

Music Sharing is a solution we built for sharing playlists privately. This allows our users to promote and pitch their music to any or all of their contacts. The best part is that you receive real-time traffic analysis with this feature.

Once it is sent you can instantly follow the traffic data. This tells you what songs are getting listened to the most, and when people stop. This is invaluable in refining your pitch as you adjust. Playlists for Business allows you to get all of the information you need to make sound business decisions.

That gives you the power to understand what is and what is not working. Secured playlists mean that you are enabled to pitch sync and licensing deals safely. You can select tracks in the catalogue, assign rights and get the music where it needs to be, without risking your assets.

Music distribution services accessible from your own workspace

Organization has always been key when it comes to releasing music. There are a whole lot of ends that need to be tied and re-tied – digital asset management, royalty tracking, cold-calls to industry professionals, marketing analytics… the list goes on.

One of the most challenging pieces of our industry is how aggregated it is. Remember when the Beatles hit The Tonight Show in ’68? They were world-famous, overnight – because there weren’t very many channels for people to watch back then.

Now, music distributors are popping up all over, and the industry is fragmented into a million little pieces! This creates a massive amount of work when preparing to release music and the organization must be at near fascist levels to succeed. Wouldn’t it be nice, if all of those tasks were done from one platform?

Of course, it can. Allowing you to consolidate time-consuming tasks and collect scattered data from across multiple platforms with ease, Releases Builder is indispensable for indie artists, record labels and managers.

Releases Manager gives you access to incredibly helpful tools and allows you to release directly from your catalogue with ease. This manager gives you the ability to easily prepare metadata release packages for music distributors. It even works in tandem with Royalties Manager to optimize workflow and secure your data with our robust infrastructure.
The music industry has changed, and a new set of tools is required to adapt. You can have all of the tools you need in one place with Reprtoir. Book your private demo for free with the team!

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